Here we go,
Hopefully you learnt something about MongoDB and Unicorns
There's a lot we didn't cover, like embedded documents, aggregation, indexes, management, etc
But the idea was to help get you confortable with the basics
Feel free to play around, insert new data, new combinations, and what not
Or, better yet, head over to the mongodb download page, grab the version for your OS and experiment on your local machine The precompiled binaries available for Linux, Windows and OS X make MongoDB extremely easy to get started with
You are now web scale
_id | name | loves | dob | weight | gender | vampires |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052c8 | Aurora | ["carrot","grape"] | 1991-01-25T13:14:00Z | 450 | f | 43 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052cb | Solnara | ["apple","carrot","chocolate"] | 1985-07-05T02:01:00Z | 550 | f | 80 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052cc | Ayna | ["strawberry","lemon"] | 1998-03-08T08:30:00Z | 733 | f | 40 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052cf | Leia | ["apple","watermelon"] | 2001-10-09T14:53:00Z | 601 | f | 33 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052d1 | Nimue | ["grape","carrot"] | 1999-12-20T16:15:00Z | 540 | f | 49 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052d3 | Lois | | | 55 | f | 0 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052c7 | Horny | ["carrot","papaya","orange"] | 1992-03-14T07:47:00Z | 600 | m | 63 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052c9 | Unicrom | ["energon","redbull","orange"] | 1973-02-10T22:10:00Z | 984 | m | 182 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052ca | Roooooodles | ["apple","orange"] | 1979-08-18T18:44:00Z | 575 | m | 99 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052cd | Kenny | ["grape","lemon","orange"] | 1997-07-02T10:42:00Z | 690 | m | 39 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052ce | Raleigh | ["apple","sugar","orange"] | 2005-05-04T00:57:00Z | 421 | m | 2 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052d0 | Pilot | ["apple","watermelon","orange"] | 1997-03-27T05:03:00Z | 650 | m | 54 |
4dc9bbfbbc7a0515660052d2 | Dunx | ["grape","watermelon","orange"] | 1976-07-19T19:18:00Z | 704 | m | 165 |